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+977 [1] 5901492, +977 [1] 5901493

Why Exhibit

Business, Network, Explore, Branding

Exhibiting is essential to safeguard and uplift the electrical & electronic business community, promote domestic markets with international practices, attract stakeholders for energy sector investments, provide an industry outlook platform through exhibitions, discussions, workshops, and interactions, strengthen the private sector, raise awareness of new technologies, share expertise, promote best trade practices, facilitate direct trade engagement, preview upcoming products and technologies, explore investment opportunities, and foster knowledge sharing.

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To safe guard & uplift the business community of electrical & electronic sector.

To promote domestic market by embracing the international practices.

To draw attention of the relevant stakeholders to invest on energy sector.

To offer an industry outlook platform for the policy makers through exhibition, discussion, workshop & interaction.

To strengthen private sector & national economy by expanding business beyond Nepal.

Raise awareness of new technologies, share expertise & promote best trade practices

To promote deeper & direct trade engagement with buyers & sellers.

Preview new & upcoming product & technology, new specs & standards.

To explore investment opportunities in energy & component sectors.

Knowledge Sharing.



Explore new trade opportunities in energy sector and its auxiliary components.



Capitalizing on unparalleled opportunities to showcase, connect, and grow their electro tech business.



Sparks insightful discussions, cultivates industry collaboration, and fuels electro tech innovation.